Friday, January 20, 2012

The Power of God's Synchronicity . . .

Synchronicity is my term for God's collective networking influence in our lives. God promised that if we have our spiritual priorities in order, our heart's desires might be realized. I believe God uses others to fulfill that promise. Last night I was sipping on a chai latte at Starbucks in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and settled down near the blazing and real fireplace in the center of their remarkable cafe. I couldn't help but overhear two women, one an adult, one in high school, going over a Bible-based study session. The spiritual counselor was wearing a pair of the new style run-in-your-bare-feet shoes featuring those toes.

I made a lighthearted comment and that opened the door to my requesting that she preview a copy of Maitreya with the goal of passing it on to the high schooler if she approved. The book has been written, but I really need God's help to find the audience that can benefit from the story. I'll keep you "posted" but it's been my experience that God usually brings people together who can help each other. We'll see what happens, but meeting them was a good sign that God may intend to use my book after all!

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