Friday, January 20, 2012

Artists Need Inspiration or at Least an Inspiring Setting!

This may seem silly, but to all you artists out there, and that includes anyone who contributes to the Greater Good by exercising their creative gifts, an artist needs a muse or at least the right inspirational setting to get into that creative zone. My setting is a coffee shop on the Kenosha, Wisconsin harbor.

There's something about being so close to the water, the ambiance of the old building, the welcoming baristas, the way its run by the proprietor, but this place attracts a wonderful collection of spiritually enlightened people. Much of Maitreya has been written here and now I'm working on the sequel, Hereafter. Now that I'm in the promotional phase of the Maitreya project, I need web access and this cafe did not have WI-FI. I picked up a smart phone that was hot-spot capable, but the old heavy brick building weakened the signal. Ever optimistic, I ordered a signal enhancer from Ebay and low and behold IT WORKED!! Just another sign for me to stay on track with this writing thing.

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