Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Bahai Faith - Uniting the World's People & Religions

I'm sure every writer, every artist, has a particular way of getting into a creative space where inspiration can be of value. I am most productive when I adhere to a regular routine. For me, that means writing every day, in the early evening, and as you know from past posts, I need to be in a peaceful venue. Today that means a Starbucks on the East Side of Milwaukee, on a cold winter night. I'm sitting in one of their plush velvet stuffed armchairs right next to a flickering gas fireplace.

Working on Hereafter I try to write one new page a day. For you writers out there, that may not seem like much, but do the math--one page a day and in a year you have a 350 page book! Anyway, I believe most writers have a limit to how many pages they can write in a day. I only have a couple of good creative hours per day to invest in any writing project, so I have to write every day.

Today I was working on a scene involving going into a Bahai Temple. Though I sincerely believe that there is value in all religions, The Bahai Faith promotes the value of Unity. They work to join people together through creating vibrant spiritual communities. They believe the highest form of worship is to be of Service to others. The scene I was working on takes place in heaven and the Bahai Faith seemed like the most enlightened religion from earth that could comfortably transition to heaven!

Does anyone out there feel differently?

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