Friday, May 25, 2012

Olympic Hurdles Hopeful, Lolo Jones, is a Virgin!

Lolo Jones could certainly be in the news simply because she is one of the world's best hurdlers and headed for the London 2012 Olympics. 2008 could have been her year but for a fateful clip on the top of one of the last hurdles in the gold medal heat. The real reason the media has lit her up this week is because she's a virgin! Yes, she is attempting to honor God and her future husband by waiting to have sex until she is married.

LoLo Jones

Is that "honorable" right, wrong, recommended or a foolhardy moral goal?

Jesus was never married, that we know of. Do you think he could have come to Earth to experience what it was like to be human without tasting every aspect of what our lives are like? I personally believe that before dying on the cross he knew what it meant to be human . . . in every respect.

History has shown that attempting to repress fundamental biological functions only seems to lead to personal disaster, not halo-ready sanctity. Celibacy hasn't worked well for the Catholic Church, has it, just to give one obvious example. Celibacy for a period, as a free-will option, certainly has its place in our lives. Is Lolo doing the right thing? Yes, if celibacy is working for her, but no if it is creating escalating anxieties in her life.

Why does the Bible promote sex withing marriage? The reasons are obvious. Children are best raised in a family setting, disease is less likely in a monogamous relationship, and the powerful bonding emotions connected with having sex can be honored and nurtured in marriage.

People so often think of things labeled as "sins" in the Bible as being connected to whether you'll end up in heaven or hell. That's not really the issue. Anything labeled as a "sin" is there to warn you that the potential exists to hurt yourself or others if that sin is engaged in.

There are times when we just must experience certain things . . . commit certain sins. It's not the end of your spiritual world. Learn from your mistakes and let your soul grow in wisdom as a result.

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