Friday, May 25, 2012

Gay 'Cure' Study was Flawed!

An eminent doctor, Robert Spitzer, thought of as the father of modern psychiatry, published a study in 2003 that seemed to indicate that homosexuals could be "cured" and restored through reparative therapy to a "normal" heterosexual status. This study was latched onto by the anti-gay movement which they used to support their contention that being gay was a disease, a sin, and that anyone wishing to change could do so.


Recently, Dr. Spitzer has been in the news indicating the study was flawed and regretted putting it out there where it ended up doing so much harm to so many struggling with their sexual identity. My advice to the anti-gay conservative Christian movement, let God decide the eternal destiny of individual souls. I know there are anti-gay verses in the Bible, but if we as believers today had to be held to the dictates of individual verses, no matter what historical era they belonged to we'd still be offering God blood sacrifices and stoning to death anyone committing adultery.

God's Plan for us has been evolving through time, and at this critical juncture in spiritual history it is far more important to God that we find the solid common ground that unites us instead of finding excuses to divide us.

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