Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday - Are You Catholic?

It was Ash Wednesday today, the first day of Lent, a Catholic period of soul-searching and sacrifice in preparation for Easter. For the last 12 years I've been teaching in a Catholic school, so on most Ash Wednesday's I've gone with my students to church to get the symbolic cross of ashes on my forehead. Most religions have the potential to help a person develop the spiritual dimension of their lives.

The last few years, however, I've had an afternoon shift on Wednesdays and consequently have missed getting the ashes. The symbolism is powerful and humbling . . . from ashes to ashes. Yes, our bodies are mortal reminding us to cherish the life we're given and try to grow from our experiences, good and bad. I'm working on Chapter 6 of Hereafter and Fallon is about to attend her first orientation meeting with all the other newcomers in the quadrant of heaven where the souls from Earth go.

Yes, our bodies eventually give out, but our souls will live on and our short lives here on Earth are probably much more about how we can grow spiritually than about where we'll spend eternity.

Just one writer's opinion . . .

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love & Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just around the calendar corner. If you live long enough, you'll find yourself going through a number of stages and passages during which your priorities will morph along with your goals and interests. There was a time when I put a lot more thought, resources, and energy into setting up and realizing a  romantic Valentine's Day date. Things certainly have changed.

Love is still at the center of my Valentine's Day . . . and my life . . . but that Love has a different focus. I've fallen in Love with my calling, my desire to be of Service through writing. Having completed Maitreya, I'm working on the sequel, Hereafter. What happens after we die? What will life be like in heaven. Are we alone in the universe? Through the power of the imagination, combined with some of the clues given to us by those who have passed over, I'll be attempting to use the tool of fiction to pry open those confusing door of misunderstanding. Wish me luck!